Author Archive: UC Tech News

Paging Doctor Robot?

A robotic hand holding a stethoscope

By Shelley Leachman. Much like a family physician who has treated you for years, computer systems could — hypothetically — know a patient’s complete medical history. A more common experience, of course, is seeing a new doctor or a specialist…
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UC Develops Principles to Guide Use of AI

A group of students work together with laptops at UC Berkeley

By Brandie Nonnecke, Ph.D. Faced with tightening budgets and staffing constraints, public universities are increasingly turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. As such, AI-enabled tools are beginning to take on a central…
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Data Privacy Day Panel Discussion, Jan. 28

A person is attached by cords to various social media accounts and devices

Register now for a panel discussion with UC Campus Privacy Officers to celebrate Data Privacy Day this Friday, January 28, at noon! Panelists will explore the film, The Social Dilemma, the future of data, what UC’s role should be…
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Students Conduct Ag Tech Research on Campus for USDA Internships

Professor Colleen Naughton with the 2021 FACTS Summer Bridge Program students.

By Elizabeth Arakelian. While many are preparing to head off to college after an unprecedented year, a handful of students are already on UC Merced’s campus and working away in research labs. They’re part of the inaugural FACTS Bridge…
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Top 5 Blog Themes for 2021

From L to R: UC CIO Van Williams poses with his 3 sons, UC employees distribute supplies, and UC President Michael V. Drake

By Yvonne Tevis and Van Williams. This year, for the annual “Top 5 Blog” retrospective, we decided to take the twenty stories that got the most views and find general themes—which actually reflect what you like to read about. It’s…
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UC Needs You to Help Manage Supplier Cyber Risk

Read the Fine Print

By Matthew Linzer. The University of California spends billions of dollars every year on goods and services provided by suppliers (sometimes called vendors or third parties). These represent a vast and diverse group of small, medium, and large businesses; complex…
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Connecting the Dots of Research

A scuba diver attaches a box to a coral reef

By Maria Praetzellis, Brian Riley, John Chodacki, Catherine Nancarrow, and Marisa Strong. Researchers at the University of California create enormous quantities of data and research outputs every day. The challenge is how do we track and understand how this data…
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Register: Privacy Career Awareness Panel, Jan. 26

Animated Video call, with four diverse participants

Register for the panel discussion “How to Break Down Barriers to Privacy Careers for Underrepresented Populations,” hosted by the UC Berkeley Privacy Office. This virtual event will take place on January 26, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. Register for the…
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Data Privacy Day: Film Screening and Panel Discussion

University of California, The Social Dilemma, Screening and Panel Discussion in Recognition of Data Privacy Day

We tweet, we like, and we share — but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? In the documentary film, The Social Dilemma, Silicon Valley insiders reveal how social media is reprogramming civilization by exposing…
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