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COVID-19 Grand Rounds at UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego Health COVID-19 Virtual Grand Rounds

Do you wish you could get COVID-19 information directly from the experts? Get help sorting fact from fiction? You’re in luck! Physicians at UC San Diego Health have launched the COVID-19 Grand Rounds Series, a six-part, live video symposium…
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Managing Well in a Remote World: Lessons from the UC Women in IT Community

four hands holding each other

By Annelie Rugg. We’re well past 100 days of the COVID-19 quarantine and still counting. Everything we thought we knew, including how to balance work and life, has required us to change, at least for now. And while we yearn…
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Capstone Project Supports Student Affairs and Student Success

A map showing the location of the UCI Student Center & Event Services

By Katie Chappell. Getting hands-on project experience is critical for most students in any field. At UC Irvine, in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science, all ICS majors are required to take a capstone course so they…
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How UC Berkeley One IT is Supporting Campus During COVID-19

Zoom logo and COVID-19 written next to it

By Rita Rosenthal. Like many colleges and universities across the country, the demand for technical teams to expand existing services or build new services in support of the campus community during COVID-19 has been at a steady hum. Early in…
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Where’s the Data? UCSF’s IT Governance at Work

UCSF Medical Center

By Kevin H. Souza. In 2018 the news media broke stories about the company Cambridge Analytica and its questionable business practices. News services reported that the company acquired personal data of Facebook users from an academic who had collected the…
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UC San Diego Goes Live with Oracle Financials Cloud

By Mark Hersberger. On July 1, UC San Diego’s Financial Information System (FIS) entered production with the release of Oracle Financials Cloud, a world-class financial system, and Concur, a new travel and expense system. FIS is a signature component of…
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