Tag Archive: UC Berkeley

Data Privacy Day: Film Screening and Panel Discussion

University of California, The Social Dilemma, Screening and Panel Discussion in Recognition of Data Privacy Day

We tweet, we like, and we share — but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? In the documentary film, The Social Dilemma, Silicon Valley insiders reveal how social media is reprogramming civilization by exposing…
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Process Mapping Community of Practice Takes Flight

Birch Aquarium. Credit: Erik Jepsen/UC San

By Mark Hersberger. Process mapping is a valuable skill—not just in IT but in multiple functions. Tools and approaches abound, and the Meaningful Actionable Process Structures Community of Practice (MAPSCoP, for short) has been created to bring UC enthusiasts together….
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Update Your Parents’ Browser Day: Nov. 25

Parents and their kids working on laptops

By Jeané Blunt. Thanksgiving falls on November 25 this year. Many people will be spending time with family, cooking, laughing, joking, and enjoying that in-person quality time. This year, another equally important (albeit less popular) holiday falls on November 25—Update…
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Adapting Work Priorities in a Pandemic: Spotlight on Ezra Daly

Ezra Daly sits in an empty lecture hall,

By Jeané Blunt. Ezra Daly is an educational technologist at UC Berkeley. Like many others in the UC IT community, the pandemic created new challenges for Ezra and his department. Learn how he continues to adapt his role to support the…
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Do Your Part, #BeCyberSmart

A kid pointing to a sign that says Cybersecurity is Everyone's Job, including yours. Cybsersecurity Awareness Month.

By Casey Hennig and Jeané Blunt. As Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CSAM) draws to a close, it’s important to recognize the meaning behind the movement. CSAM raises awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and the tagline, “Do your part. #BeCyberSmart,” encourages…
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Center for Security in Politics Announces New Working Group to Study Digital Remote Voting

Center for Security in Politics

The Center for Security in Politics (CSP) announced the formation of a new working group to rigorously assess the risks and opportunities associated with digital remote voting. The group will determine the feasibility of technical and implementation standards that would enable…
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New AI Strategy Enables Robots to Rapidly Adapt to Real-world Environments

An AI Robot navigates tough terrain

By Sarah Yang. Delivery services may be able to overcome snow, rain, heat and the gloom of night, but a new class of legged robots is not far behind. Artificial intelligence algorithms developed by a team of researchers from UC…
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Computing and Data Sciences Improve What We Know About Wildfires and How to Fight Them

A firefighter walking towards a wildfire

By Rachel Leven. Our understanding, planning, and response to wildfires benefit from connections with data and computing sciences, UC Berkeley researchers say. Recent developments in machine learning and simulations can help first responders detect fires earlier, predict fires’ paths and limit…
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UC Berkeley Receives A+ COVID Dashboard Rating

UC Berkeley campus

By Rita Rosenthal. According to  We Rate COVID Dashboards, the work of a multi-university assessment team that rates COVID dashboards developed by colleges and universities nationwide, UC Berkeley has achieved an A+ rating. This grade puts us in the…
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To Help Diversify STEM Faculty, Berkeley-led Model Goes National

Two people looking at a whiteboard, talking

By Gretchen Kell. If underrepresented groups make up 30% of the increasingly diverse U.S. population, why do they represent less than 5% of the faculty nationwide, less than 6% of postdoctoral scholars and only about 10% of Ph.D. students in…
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