Tag Archive: Cybersecurity

Webinar: COVID-19 Resiliency & Empowering Women

A woman juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities

One of UC’s cybersecurity partners, FireEye, will host a March 25 panel discussion with women leaders on how women have persevered during COVID. Hosted by FireEye Executive Vice President and Chief of Business Operations Barbara Massa, the webinar will…
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Save the Date! UCD Information Security Symposium, June 15-16, 2021

Information Security Symposium

By Bill Buchanan. Mark your calendar: UC Davis has scheduled the 10th biennial Information Security Symposium for June 15-16, 2021. Security and technical professionals and administrators from throughout the University of California, as well as guests from other California state…
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Election Season Cyber Threats

election security

By Kip Bates and Sam Horowitz. Another academic year is here, and classes are well underway. Among the other things you’ve probably noticed is that there’s an election happening. Hidden among the cacophony of news and disinformation is a persistent…
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It’s Cyber-Spooky Season

Halloween & National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

By Jeané Blunt. October means it’s time for fall leaves, Halloween, and National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). To the average person, one of those doesn’t belong. But those of us who’ve whispered about wanting a certain pair of shoes –…
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Celebrate NCSAM 2020 with UC

National Cyber Security Awareness Month

By Jeané Blunt. October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM) and it is almost here. If you’ve participated in the past, then you’re used to the guest speakers, tips and tricks on how to stay safe online, and…
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Register Now! Oct. 14 Virtual UC Cyber Security Summit

UC Cyber Security Summit logo

Registration for the tenth biannual UC Cyber Security Summit on October 14, 2020, is now open! This event will be hosted on a different and even more engaging platform than the first virtual UC Cyber Security Summit in April….
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Privacy and Its Big Brother, #internet50

A giant blue eye with lines of binary code written over it

By Kent Wada. In case you missed it, the people of the State of California have voted to include privacy as an inalienable right. Go look for yourself: it’s right there in Article 1, Section 1 of the California Constitution:1 CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION,…
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Don’t Miss the April 15 UC Cyber Security Summit at UC Berkeley

UC Cyber Security Summit banner

Save the date for the ninth biannual UC Cyber Security Summit, which will be held at UC Berkeley on April 15, 2020. The summit is UC’s semiannual meeting that brings together people from across the university to discuss and…
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