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For Children with Complex Medical Situations, A New Roadmap for Improving Health

Woman reads to child in wheelchair

Children with severe disabilities, serious cognitive impairments and medically complex situations require more specialized health care during their lifetimes. But establishing a consistent way to identify their overall health needs and measure progress in meeting those needs has been an…
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Tom Andriola Talks AI in Healthcare

Hand holding cell phone, surrounded by health icons

Artificial Intelligence is already impacting our day-to-day lives, but in healthcare it may be truly life-changing.  AI applications are now being utilized in clinical research, drug development, insurance claims, diagnosis, and treatment. Will Artificial Intelligence further dehumanize medicine and increase…
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UC Experts Present at Assistive Technology Conference

Lucy Greco speaking at the CSUN Assistive Technologies Conference

By Yvonne Tevis. Just a few blocks from Disneyland, the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference – the largest annual accessibility conference in the country – concluded its 34th year last week. Hosted by Cal State Northridge, the conference attracts a global…
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University of California and Los Alamos National Laboratory Researchers Receive $3.6M to Secure Smart Campuses

Silas Richelson, Michalis Faloutsos, and Nael Abu-Ghazaleh

A consortium consisting of UC Riverside, UCLA, UC San Diego and UC Santa Barbara, together with Los Alamos National Laboratory, was awarded $3.6 million for a three-year project, “Securing smart campuses: a holistic multi-layer approach,” through the 2018 UC Laboratory…
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Five UCs Benefit from UCSFs Clinical Trials Website

screenshot of UCSF clinical trials website

by Leslie Yuan and Anirvan Chatterjee   UCSF launched its new Clinical Trials website in late 2016 (see blog article). Developed by the Research Technology team in the Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI), the site makes it easy for UCSF patients, doctors, and researchers to find, learn about, and engage with…
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