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Don’t Miss the April 15 UC Cyber Security Summit at UC Berkeley

UC Cyber Security Summit banner

Save the date for the ninth biannual UC Cyber Security Summit, which will be held at UC Berkeley on April 15, 2020. The summit is UC’s semiannual meeting that brings together people from across the university to discuss and…
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UC Gets Discount for Amazon Web Services

Logo for Amazon Web Services (AWS).

By Thomas Trappler. Since 2013, the UC wide agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS) (Agreement# UCOP-19) has made AWS products available for use under terms and conditions aligned with UC’s needs, policy, and the law. Effective October 1, 2019,…
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Register for the Information Practices Conference, Jan. 28, at UCSD

cartooon silhouettes of people with various thought bubbles.

Registration is now open for the 2020 Information Practices Conference to be held January 28, 2020, at UC San Diego. The registration deadline is January 21. People from all UC locations are welcome to attend. This year’s theme is…
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Recording Available for “The First Woman Man” Webinar

A scaled down version of a male dummy that represents only the smallest 5% of women by the standards of the mid-1970s - so small that it can work double-duty as a 12 or 13 year old child.

UC Merced CIO Ann Kovalchick presented the webinar, “The First Woman Man: Gender Labels and Workplace Expectations,” to an audience of over 200 on November 20. The newly formed UC Women in Tech Committee hosted the webinar and…
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UCSF Women in Tech Hosts Panel at Sharecase 2019

Photo collage from the UCSF Women in Tech panel at Sharecase 2019

By Alyssa Tecklenburg. The UCSF Women in Tech group (WIT@UCSF) held a panel discussion on gender equity in technology at the UCSF Sharecase conference, October 10, at the Mission Bay campus. Sharecase is a biennial conference at UCSF that…
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Webinar: UC and FireEye Present the Higher-Ed Cybersecurity Strategy

Webinar speakers, Monte Ratzlaff and Christian Schreiber.

 Date: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Description: Colleges and universities house significant amounts of sensitive and valuable data in their IT systems, and often have insufficient defenses in place, making them prime targets for cybercriminals….
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A Product Mindset and Joy at Work: UCSC ITS Reorganizes

By Jim Phillips and Jim Williamson. Over a decade ago, the Information Technology Services (ITS) Division at UC Santa Cruz had a structure that was fairly typical in higher education. The ITS Division was organized around a set of central…
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