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Know before You Go: Cyber Safety Tips for Your Summer Travels

A plane flying next to a computer that says "Keep it Safe."

By Julie Goldstein. Smartphones and other electronic devices have made it easier to stay in touch and multi-task while traveling. But they can also mean increased cyber risks for keeping your personal and university information private, as well as increased…
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Meet Van Williams: UC Santa Cruz’s New Vice Chancellor of Information Technology

Van Williams with his youngest son, Benjamin Williams.

By Lisa Bono. Van Williams started as vice chancellor of information technology at UC Santa Cruz on July 2, 2018, replacing retired VC Mary Doyle and interim VC Brad Smith. Van has spent much of his professional life on the…
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Public Safety to Ships at Sea – FCC Licenses Help Run the University

The Flipping ship next to a regular ship

By Alexa Rivetti.  When one thinks of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the first thing that comes to mind may be the net neutrality debate. While an incredibly important issue, there are at least 250 other reasons for UC staff…
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