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West Big Data Hub at SDSC to Partner for Data Storage Network under New NSF Grant

The West Big Data Innovation Hub (WBDIH) at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UC San Diego is one of four regional big data hubs partner sites awarded a $1.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for…
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Sautter Awards 2018: Winners Showcase UC IT Innovations

Ten teams across the University of California won the 2018 Larry L. Sautter Award for using information technology to make university operations more effective and efficient and to better serve faculty, staff, students and patients. Systemwide Chief Information Officer…
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Product Toolkit Helps Project Teams Keep Value Top of Mind

Project toolkit graph

By Traci Farrell. In a university setting, custom application development teams can hit roadblocks when project sponsors, designers, and developers have different definitions of success. To try to circumvent this problem, the Design and Discovery team in UCSF School of…
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UCSF Creates De-Identified Clinical Data Warehouse

UCSF group of people

By Yvonne Tevis. Patient data – it’s a gold mine for health research. Without patient data, researchers can’t analyze conditions, explore treatment efficacy, consider new models of personalized care… And in today’s fast-paced and competitive world of health research, researchers…
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UC Procurement Gets Deals for IT Infrastructure

Cords plugged into computer

By Michael Wegmann. UC Procurement Services is excited to announce the availability of UC wide agreements reflecting deeply discounted prices for IT infrastructure. Products in five categories– routers and switches, wireless, firewalls, servers, and storage – are now available either…
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UCOP Gets Lean Training

Lean IT team

By John Ruzicka. Lean Six Sigma is a customer-oriented methodology that continually improves performance by eliminating waste. Most of the technical employees in Information Technology Services at the UC Office of the President (UCOP) have completed Yellow Belt training in…
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Implementing Business Excellence at UC San Diego

UCSD Campus

By Mark Hersberger. UC San Diego means business when it comes to integrating a mindset of continuous improvement and business excellence. It all comes together through the Business Excellence Community of Practice (BE-CoP), which facilitates training and idea sharing at…
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