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A Sense of Belonging

Graduate STEM students in a UCSB Lab

By Shelly Leachman. Aiming to fortify and grow the STEM talent pipeline at Hispanic-serving institutions, UC Santa Barbara has embarked on a collaborative grant project funded by the National Science Foundation. The NSF INCLUDES Planning Grant was awarded to the…
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When Everyone Must Separate, Technology Keeps Us Together

On-campus essential workers Matthew Tendroch (seated) and Justin Hsieh are from the UCI Office of Information Technology’s Wellness, Health & Counseling Services desktop support team, serving the Student Health Center. Steve Zylius / UCI

By Sheri Ledbetter. Kian Colestock, associate vice chancellor and chief information officer in UCI’s Office of Information Technology, recalls the weekend in which he learned that his unit would be supporting the technological transition of a major research university to an…
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Virtual Excavations: Pacific Research Platform Enables Remote Collaboration on Underwater Archeological Dig in Israel

Two men examine an excavation tool

By Amanda Ricker. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many archeological digs were put on hold, as collaborating researchers from various international universities could not travel to conduct fieldwork as a team. In California, the technological possibilities of the Pacific Research Platform not…
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Bringing Inclusive Language into IT

A group of people using inclusive language, through word bubbles.

By Katie Chappell and Kristen McIntyre. In recognition that language is essential to an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone, the Office of Information Technology (OIT) is piloting an Inclusive IT Language Guide for the IT community at UCI….
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DevOps Practices Improve Efficiency at UCSB Student Affairs IT

By Lindsey Terra. In recent years, university IT organizations have focused on automating the complex, multi-step processes that create sticking points and slow down the deployment of improvements for software users. UC Santa Barbara Student Information Systems & Technology (SIS&T)…
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Artificial Intelligence: Can We Trust Machines to Make Fair Decisions?

woman with computerized background

By Catherine Kenny. Artificial Intelligence touches almost every aspect of our lives, from mobile banking and online shopping to social media and real-time traffic maps. But what happens when artificial intelligence is biased? What if it makes mistakes on important…
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UC Berkeley Receives A+ COVID Dashboard Rating

UC Berkeley campus

By Rita Rosenthal. According to  We Rate COVID Dashboards, the work of a multi-university assessment team that rates COVID dashboards developed by colleges and universities nationwide, UC Berkeley has achieved an A+ rating. This grade puts us in the…
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