Author Archive: UC Tech News

Why Doctors Love Their Computers

UC San Diego Health Center and UC San Diego Jacobs Medical Center

By Amy Sitapati, Brian Clay, and Marlene Millen. Thanks in no small part to digitization, medicine today is much different than the medicine of yesterday. Plenty has already been written about how electronic health record (EHR) systems amplify the time,…
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Save Dec. 12 for Webinar: UC’s Cisco Agreement – More than Routing and Switching

Cisco Webinar

Learn from Cisco professionals about the new UC contract with EPlus for Cisco procurement and about UC’s formal strategic relationship with Cisco. You may think of routing and switching as the core Cisco technologies. Well, over the past few years…
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UC Davis Streamlines Services for International Students and Scholars

By Jeané Blunt. When most people think about UC Davis – agriculture, animal science, and even Gunrock the mustang may come to mind. They likely don’t realize that UC Davis is home to more than 10,000 international students and scholars…
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Tariffs Impact Pricing under Some UC Systemwide IT Agreements

Illustration of the United States and Russia pointing fingers at one another

By Thomas Trappler. In March 2018, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) issued a report detailing its investigation of China’s trade practices related to intellectual property. To address issues surfaced in the report, the USTR subsequently announced additional tariffs…
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Wireless Smart Farming to Keep Frost Away From Citrus

UCSB SmartFarm sensor approximately 5 feet off the ground surrounded by citrus will help UC researchers know when to turn on windfans to protect plants from frost.

By Susan Rambo. Computer science researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara, are using the internet of things to prove that smart farming can be a farm implement as basic as the tractor and plough. The husband and wife…
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Money, Mayhem, Mortality: A Cyber Tale

By Yvonne Tevis. It was a stormy night on the Dark Web. But on a sunny UC campus one morning, Jack Tern was plowing through email. The ‘replies-to-all’ were driving him batty. So much work piling up, meetings to arrange, invoices…
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