Tag Archive: UCSF

Making a UCSF COVID Site Accessible: From Tweet to Action

UCSF Medical Center

By Jill Wolters. This is a digital accessibility success story that started on Twitter. A member of my Digital Accessibility Advisory Committee, Ed Chen, brought a Tweet to my attention: a screen reader user encountered a content barrier on an…
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Building Digital Products with Multi-lingual Capabilities: Lessons Learned

Health Information translated to non-English

By Svetlana Milter and Traci Farrell. Multi-lingual functionality is essential when creating digital products for diverse populations. The UCSF SOM Tech recently built a patient-centered virtual community that supports three different languages for Asian Americans newly diagnosed with cancer….
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A Fight to Map Change: The UCSF Health Atlas Reveals Social Inequities

A map from the UCSF Health Atlas depicting 40.1% food insecurity in a West Oakland, CA neighborhood. California’s average food insecurity is 12.7%.

By Ghanya C. Thomas. Medical doctor Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo recalls a conversation with a patient who had heart failure: “I’m always emphasizing to my patients the importance of eating fruits and vegetables and this one time during our visit the patient…
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Where’s the Data? UCSF’s IT Governance at Work

UCSF Medical Center

By Kevin H. Souza. In 2018 the news media broke stories about the company Cambridge Analytica and its questionable business practices. News services reported that the company acquired personal data of Facebook users from an academic who had collected the…
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When Work from Home Means All Alone

A laptop computer next to a University of California cup

By Jeané Blunt. The first few days of working from home were great. I got to wear my flannel pajama pants, snuggle with my dog on my lunch break, and ditch the morning commute. Well, now I’m a few weeks into…
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UCSF Women in Tech Hosts Panel at Sharecase 2019

Photo collage from the UCSF Women in Tech panel at Sharecase 2019

By Alyssa Tecklenburg. The UCSF Women in Tech group (WIT@UCSF) held a panel discussion on gender equity in technology at the UCSF Sharecase conference, October 10, at the Mission Bay campus. Sharecase is a biennial conference at UCSF that…
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