Tag Archive: UC Santa Cruz

UCSC Partners in Institute to Explore the Role of AI in Education

Marilyn Walker & Jeffrey Flanigan

By Tim Stephens. Computer scientists in the Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz are partners in a new institute to explore the role that artificial intelligence (AI) may play in the future of education and workforce development. Funded…
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UC Santa Cruz Student Corps

UCSC Student Corps

By Jim Phillips. In response to the shelter-in-place order that was instituted in California due to the coronavirus pandemic, Jay Olson, divisional liaison for the Humanities Division, Information Technology Services (ITS), brought together a group of UCSC student workers to offer…
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Register to Attend the UCI Women in Tech Panel

Women in Tech Virtual Panel: New Environments, New Opportunities

Event: Altered Environments, New Opportunities Date: Thursday, September 10, 2020 Time: 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Register now for the inaugural event of UCI Women in Tech, Altered Environments, New Opportunities. The panel will feature UC IT leaders in a…
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Pandemic Stories: Adapting Physics Labs in the Time of COVID-19

Laboratory manager Sophia Sholtz sanitizes each lab bench, according to safety protocol, before setting up a new experiment (photo by Sophia Sholtz)

By Jason Nielsen. One of the common experiences for science and engineering students at UC Santa Cruz is the intro physics lab course. In a typical quarter, around 800 students take these courses to explore topics ranging from mechanical waves…
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CruzHacks 2020: A Student-Led, High Energy Weekend 

By Jim Phillips. Stevenson College at UC Santa Cruz overlooks the Monterey Bay, offering one of the most impressive views our campus has to offer (and that is saying a lot). Each year, on the three-day Martin Luther King day weekend,…
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When Work from Home Means All Alone

A laptop computer next to a University of California cup

By Jeané Blunt. The first few days of working from home were great. I got to wear my flannel pajama pants, snuggle with my dog on my lunch break, and ditch the morning commute. Well, now I’m a few weeks into…
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UC Santa Cruz CIO, Van Williams, Talks Diversity

By Jeané Blunt. In recognition of Black History Month, I interviewed Van Williams, the chief information officer (CIO) and vice chancellor of information technology at UC Santa Cruz (UCSC). Williams is a strong proponent of diversity and inclusion initiatives and…
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A Product Mindset and Joy at Work: UCSC ITS Reorganizes

By Jim Phillips and Jim Williamson. Over a decade ago, the Information Technology Services (ITS) Division at UC Santa Cruz had a structure that was fairly typical in higher education. The ITS Division was organized around a set of central…
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UC Privacy Paradigm Exemplifies GDPR Compliance

European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation logo

By Denise Dolezal. As news sinks in that the European Union’s (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to UC, it might cause some consternation across the university. But what if there is a bright side to the extraterritorial…
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