Tag Archive: UC San Francisco
UC Tech News
August 18, 2021
All ArticlesDrupal, Drupal Open Source Community, DrupalCon, Larry L. Sautter Awards, Sautter Awards, Shawn DeArmond, SiteFarm, UC Davis, UC Los Angeles, UC San Francisco, UCD, UCLA, UCSF, Val Trullinger
By Val Trullinger. Awards tend to be given at the end of major projects—if you’re lucky. Your team spends months, if not years, of blood, sweat, and tears; and sends their product out to the world, hoping it does well….
Read more about SiteFarm: A UC Collaboration for Drupal Web Publishing
UC Tech News
June 16, 2021
All Articlesaccountability, Jonathan Prugh, Kymberly Ainsworth, Milesh Jain, post-mortem, retrospective, Teamwork, Tom Manley, UC San Francisco, UCSF
By Kymberly Ainsworth, Milesh Jain, Tom Manley, and Jonathan Prugh. What Is a Retrospective? Retrospectives are a key ingredient to continual improvement in any work you do as part of a collaborative team. But the reality is that no project…
Read more about Looking to Improve Your Team’s Performance? Consider a Retrospective
UC Tech News
May 12, 2021
All ArticlesCISO, Cybersecurity, Patrick Phelan, Protecting Your Digital Self, QB3, UC San Francisco, UC Systemwide Cyber Champions, UCSF
Register to attend Cybersecurity: What You Need to Know, the third event in the Protecting your Digital Self Series, happening May 20 at 1 p.m. This virtual event is presented by QB3 and co-sponsored by the UC Systemwide Cyber…
Read more about Cybersecurity: What You Need to Know, May 20 Webinar
UC Tech News
April 21, 2021
All ArticlesCampus Usability Workshop, Events, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UC San Francisco, UCB, UCD, UCSF, User Centered Design, workshop
Don’t miss the Campus Usability Workshop, hosted by UC Berkeley’s User-Centered Design group, on May 5 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. This event features a usability assessment of Berkeley campus projects and a presentation about design systems from guest developers…
Read more about Save the Date: May 5 Campus Usability Workshop
UC Tech News
March 10, 2021
All ArticlesAccessibility, coronavirus, COVID-19, Digital Accessibility Advisory Committee, Jill Wolters, UC San Francisco, UCSF, UCSF Health, UCSF School of Medicine, web accessibility
By Jill Wolters. This is a digital accessibility success story that started on Twitter. A member of my Digital Accessibility Advisory Committee, Ed Chen, brought a Tweet to my attention: a screen reader user encountered a content barrier on an…
Read more about Making a UCSF COVID Site Accessible: From Tweet to Action
UC Tech News
December 16, 2020
All Articlesdiversity, multi-lingual, Patient COUNTS, research study, Salesforce Health Cloud Technology, Svetlana Miller, Svetlana Milter, Traci Farrell, UC San Francisco, UCSF, UCSF SOM Tech
By Svetlana Milter and Traci Farrell. Multi-lingual functionality is essential when creating digital products for diverse populations. The UCSF SOM Tech recently built a patient-centered virtual community that supports three different languages for Asian Americans newly diagnosed with cancer….
Read more about Building Digital Products with Multi-lingual Capabilities: Lessons Learned
UC Tech News
September 16, 2020
All Articlescommunity health, coronavirus, COVID-19, Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, Ghanya Thomas, Health Atlas, health disparities, race, UC Office of the President, UC San Francisco, UCOP, UCSF
By Ghanya C. Thomas. Medical doctor Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo recalls a conversation with a patient who had heart failure: “I’m always emphasizing to my patients the importance of eating fruits and vegetables and this one time during our visit the patient…
Read more about A Fight to Map Change: The UCSF Health Atlas Reveals Social Inequities
UC Tech News
July 8, 2020
All Articlesassociate dean, IT Governance, Kevin H. Souza, UC San Francisco, UCSF, UCSF School of Medicine, UCSF SOM
By Kevin H. Souza. In 2018 the news media broke stories about the company Cambridge Analytica and its questionable business practices. News services reported that the company acquired personal data of Facebook users from an academic who had collected the…
Read more about Where’s the Data? UCSF’s IT Governance at Work
UC Tech News
April 1, 2020
All ArticlesCOVID-19, Gaming, Jackie DiOrio, Jeané Blunt, Lisa Bono, remote working, Tanya Jansen, UC Office of the President, UC San Francisco, UC Santa Cruz, UCOP, UCSC, UCSF, work from home
By Jeané Blunt. The first few days of working from home were great. I got to wear my flannel pajama pants, snuggle with my dog on my lunch break, and ditch the morning commute. Well, now I’m a few weeks into…
Read more about When Work from Home Means All Alone
UC Tech News
December 4, 2019
All Articles, Feature ArticlesAlyssa Tecklenburg, Events, informatics, Sharecase, UC San Francisco, UCSF, WIT@UCSF, Women in Tech, Women in Technology
By Alyssa Tecklenburg. The UCSF Women in Tech group (WIT@UCSF) held a panel discussion on gender equity in technology at the UCSF Sharecase conference, October 10, at the Mission Bay campus. Sharecase is a biennial conference at UCSF that…
Read more about UCSF Women in Tech Hosts Panel at Sharecase 2019