Tag Archive: UC San Diego

California’s Research Network Connects Science and Community

Louis Fox, CENIC CEO

By Susan Rambo. CENIC — the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California — wants to connect the state of California into one giant wireless mesh network. With 20 million users, non-profit network operator CENIC (pronounced “scenic”) may be in a good position…
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Hackathon Draws Fresh Ideas for Patient Engagement

photo of 2019 Hackathon participants

By Marissa Ventura. They came from across the country to dream up ideas, using technology, to improve patient engagement and their experience in today’s health-care system. Whether it involved crowd-sourcing, blockchain technology, or Alexa skills, more than 200 undergraduate and…
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Why Doctors Love Their Computers

UC San Diego Health Center and UC San Diego Jacobs Medical Center

By Amy Sitapati, Brian Clay, and Marlene Millen. Thanks in no small part to digitization, medicine today is much different than the medicine of yesterday. Plenty has already been written about how electronic health record (EHR) systems amplify the time,…
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Women in Technology: What Do University of California Women Leaders Say?

Women in IT panel at UCCSC

By Julia Chen. Despite their growing numbers, women in technology still face significant barriers in the workplace. According to a 2016 report performed by the National Center for Women in Information Technology (NCWIT), only 25% of the computing workforce…
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Using Science and Humanities to Step Back in Time

From left, Eric Lo, structural engineering Ph.D. student Michael Hess and Falko Kuester in the WAVE lab navigating the Turin virtual reality. Photo by Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications

A collaborative group of researchers from the University of California, San Diego, traveled to Turin, Italy, recently to digitally map an entire portion of the city—complete with historic architecture, expansive murals and stunning works of art. Digital data will be…
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Finally! Centralized Support for UC Researchers

Participants in the Research Facilitators Workshop

By Claire Mizumoto.  Research Cyberinfrastructure…Research IT… Research Facilitator…Research Champion…. concierge… white glove… Whatever you choose to call it, it’s direct “high-touch” support for campus researchers. The overall objective is to advance researchers’ work and increase sponsored research at the University…
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West Big Data Hub at SDSC to Partner for Data Storage Network under New NSF Grant

The West Big Data Innovation Hub (WBDIH) at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UC San Diego is one of four regional big data hubs partner sites awarded a $1.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) for…
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