Feature Articles

5 Simple Ideas to Steal from UCSF Clinical Trials

By Leslie Yuan and Anirvan Chatterjee.  The research technology team at UCSF’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) recently launched a website for UCSF’s clinical studies. The goal was an easy-to-use site where people could search through all clinical…
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Information Security Awareness Video: “I’m Mike!”

Picture of Identity Thief with "Mike's" girlfriend

The Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC), along with EDUCAUSE and Internet2, held its annual Information Security Awareness Video & Poster Contest, an event that allows college students to win prizes, gain experience, and earn recognition by creating a PSA…
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Empowering Women in Information Technology: The UCSB Women in Technology Initiative

Women in Technology Group at UCSB

By Lisa Klock.  In February 2017, several women and I launched the UC Santa Barbara Women in Technology (WIT) initiative, to promote women’s leadership, success, and economic advancement – in short, to empower women working in technology. Influenced by the…
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Who Ya Gonna Call? Mythbusters, Ghostbusters or Women in IT?

Screenshot of tweet that says: "My friends coined a word: hepeated. For when a women suggests an idea and it's ignored, but then a guy says the same thing and everybody loves it."

By Ann Kovalchick.  There is no shortage of evidence that women in technology face particular challenges and barriers. The Center for Higher Education Chief Information Officers Studies (CHECS) conducts an annual survey of Higher Education CIO Roles and Effectiveness….
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Helping Scientists Understand Research Cyber Risks

By Sean Peisert, Karen Stocks, and Von Welch.  Cyber attacks don’t just hit big corporations or governments or hospitals. Anything connected to networks is vulnerable, and that includes research and open science. In general, scientists who use computers and other…
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