Author Archive: UC Tech News

Make It a Habit! Eight Habits to Keep You Safe Online

8 Smart Cybersecurity Habits

By Bill Green, Timo Papandreopoulos and Julie Goldstein.  Every new cyber-attack or scam seems to be accompanied by a barrage of cybersecurity tips, pointers, dos and don’ts that we’re expected to follow to keep ourselves and our families safe and secure….
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Using Science and Humanities to Step Back in Time

From left, Eric Lo, structural engineering Ph.D. student Michael Hess and Falko Kuester in the WAVE lab navigating the Turin virtual reality. Photo by Erik Jepsen/UC San Diego Publications

A collaborative group of researchers from the University of California, San Diego, traveled to Turin, Italy, recently to digitally map an entire portion of the city—complete with historic architecture, expansive murals and stunning works of art. Digital data will be…
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Haiti Tech Summit Encourages Innovation through Technology

Michael Dennin (right) and fellow panelists speaking at the 2018 Haiti Tech Summit.

By Julia Chen. This past June, over 100 speakers from around the world convened in Cotes de Acardins, Haiti, at the second annual Haiti Tech Summit. Among them was UC Irvine Dean Michael Dennin, a renowned scientist, author, and professor….
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Finally! Centralized Support for UC Researchers

Participants in the Research Facilitators Workshop

By Claire Mizumoto.  Research Cyberinfrastructure…Research IT… Research Facilitator…Research Champion…. concierge… white glove… Whatever you choose to call it, it’s direct “high-touch” support for campus researchers. The overall objective is to advance researchers’ work and increase sponsored research at the University…
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UC IT Project Managers Create a Systemwide Community

Egghead statue at UC Davis

By Savannah Gray.  Fun sessions that bring people together at the annual UC Computing Services Conference (UCCSC) are the “birds of a feather” meetings. Separate from the formal agenda of events, these are organized by different communities of interest as…
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Pioneering Data Science Tool — Jupyter — Receives Top Software Prize

Fernando Pérez and Brian Granger discuss the architecture of Project Jupyter.

By Robert Sanders. You may not have heard of Jupyter Notebooks, but they’re taking the data science world by storm and becoming the go-to tool for sharing and improving computer code, documents, data visualizations and more. Students in UC Berkeley’s fastest-growing…
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