Author Archive: UC Tech News

Returning to the Office: Records Management Best Practices

UCOP Broadway building by Neil Ramos, UC Office of the President

Many of us will be returning to work at the “office.” What should you do with your records? Here are important tips from the UC Records Management Committee.

A. Don’t Leave UC Records at Home

When you return to…
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Submit Your Town Hall Question for President Drake

UC President Michael V. Drake, MD

The September UC IT Town Hall will feature President Michael V. Drake. He is very interested in speaking with the UC IT community, and you have the opportunity to submit questions for him in advance! Please submit your questions…
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SiteFarm: A UC Collaboration for Drupal Web Publishing

UC Tech 2019 Sautter Awards presentation. Mayra Solano, 3rd from left; Kristen Lineberger, 5th from left; and Shawn DeArmond (UCD), center, holding plaque.

By Val Trullinger. Awards tend to be given at the end of major projects—if you’re lucky. Your team spends months, if not years, of blood, sweat, and tears; and sends their product out to the world, hoping it does well….
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Computing and Data Sciences Improve What We Know About Wildfires and How to Fight Them

A firefighter walking towards a wildfire

By Rachel Leven. Our understanding, planning, and response to wildfires benefit from connections with data and computing sciences, UC Berkeley researchers say. Recent developments in machine learning and simulations can help first responders detect fires earlier, predict fires’ paths and limit…
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UC Teams Receive Annual Sautter Awards for IT Innovation

Larry L. Sautter Award logo

Ten teams from across the University of California won 2021 Larry L. Sautter Awards for technology innovations. The awards were presented yesterday (Aug. 10, 2021) at the annual UC Tech Conference, hosted this year by UCLA. The annual Sautter…
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UCI Institute for Future Health to harness technology to build personalized health model

Professor Ramesh Jain of UC Irvine photo: Steve Zylius/UC Irvine communications

A newly established Institute for Future Health at the University of California, Irvine will combine research and clinical work to address the movement toward a more personalized healthcare model. The institute aims to integrate lifestyle, community, environment and socioeconomic factors…
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UCI Uses Student Data to Bolster Student Success

By Kristen McIntyre. Student success depends on having timely support programs in place to address learning and achievement gaps. UCI has developed a program, called COMPASS, to help instructors and advisors pinpoint student need and provide that essential support. It…
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Don’t Miss the UC Tech Special Sessions

UC Tech 2021: Envisioning the Future of IT

So many interesting UC Tech 2021 sessions have been scheduled, it could be easy to overlook some of the special events. If you’ve registered for the conference, be sure to create your own schedule and add these special presentations….
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AI for More Efficient Flying Qubits

In order to use existing optical network fibers such as these, qubits (quantum bits) need to be efficiently converted to "flying qubits." (Credit: Berkeley Lab)

By Jon Bashor. As quantum computers evolve from theory to functioning machines and begin solving problems beyond the capabilities of even the fastest supercomputers, finding a way to link these powerful new systems to communicate with other quantum machines becomes…
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