Tag Archive: UCOP

UC Gets Discount for Amazon Web Services

Logo for Amazon Web Services (AWS).

By Thomas Trappler. Since 2013, the UC wide agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS) (Agreement# UCOP-19) has made AWS products available for use under terms and conditions aligned with UC’s needs, policy, and the law. Effective October 1, 2019,…
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Lessons from a Cyber Attack: How UC Found Strength in Adversity

Worldwide connection blue background illustration vector

By David Rusting. As I reflect on UC’s journey managing cyber-risk, particularly over the past four years, I’m proud of our collective accomplishments. Two weeks ago, I was able to share UC’s approach, experiences, and lessons’ learned with higher education…
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Redesigning the UC Undergraduate Application – with Students in Mind

UC application home page

By Judy Thai. In November 2018, over 217,000 high school and transfer students submitted undergraduate applications to the University of California. 75,000 of them submitted their applications on the last day — and 11,000 in the last hour. That’s a…
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Backstage: How UC Got the IT Infrastructure Deals

Procurement word map with a hand appearing to write

By Yvonne Tevis. About one year ago, UC struck amazing deals with IT infrastructure companies – deals that likely will save the university up to $16M a year for five years. It’s true, UC Procurement rocks negotiation. But UC also…
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UC Gets Systemwide Agreement and BAA for Google Cloud Platform – and More!

By Thomas Trappler. A new systemwide agreement for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is now available, in addition to a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) for both GCP and G-Suite for Education. Here’s what you need to know. What is GCP?
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Empowering UC Health Patients with Apple Health Records

Apple Health App

By Drs. Aaron Neinstein and Christopher Longhurst. In a major advance for patients, the nearly 5 million people who receive care annually at any of the University of California medical centers – including Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego, and…
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What Does Europe’s New Privacy Law Mean for UC?

A circle of stars surrounding a lock

By Scott Seaborn. On May 25, 2018, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went live, significantly changing the international privacy landscape and raising the regulatory stakes for institutions and companies working with the personal data of persons in Europe.  …
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