Tag Archive: UC Los Angeles

UCLA Launches Major Mental Health Study to Discover Insights About Depression

An Apple Watch

By Bill Kisliuk. While the capability to diagnose cancer and heart problems has advanced by giant steps in recent years, methods to detect depression have stubbornly stayed the same for more than a century: Observe patients, and ask them how…
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Watch the UC OATS Video

A screenshot of the UC OATS platform

The UC Outside Activity Tracking System (UC OATS) took home the Golden Award at the 2020 Sautter Awards. UC OATS is a systemwide, multi-campus collaboration formed to facilitate the reporting and tracking of Outside Professional Activities (OPA) and identify potential cases of…
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Don’t Miss the Second UC Tech Virtual Event

The Power of 10; Stronger Together

UCLA will host the last Virtual UC Tech event of 2020 next Tuesday, November 10. Register now, if you haven’t already! The theme of this event is The Power of 10; Stronger Together and topics will include leveraging…
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Managing Well in a Remote World: Lessons from the UC Women in IT Community

four hands holding each other

By Annelie Rugg. We’re well past 100 days of the COVID-19 quarantine and still counting. Everything we thought we knew, including how to balance work and life, has required us to change, at least for now. And while we yearn…
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Meet Gigi Johnson: UCLA Music and Tech Innovator

By Jeané Blunt. Gigi Johnson, Ed.D., teaches music industry courses at the UCLA Herb Albert School of Music and was the founding executive director of the UCLA Center for Music Innovation. She also hosts the UCLA podcast, Innovating Music….
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