Tag Archive: Cybersecurity

Information Security Awareness Video: “I’m Mike!”

Picture of Identity Thief with "Mike's" girlfriend

The Higher Education Information Security Council (HEISC), along with EDUCAUSE and Internet2, held its annual Information Security Awareness Video & Poster Contest, an event that allows college students to win prizes, gain experience, and earn recognition by creating a PSA…
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October – It’s about National Cyber Security Awareness!

By Julie Goldstein.  2017 marks the fourteenth year of National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). The goal of NCSAM – celebrated every October – is to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and give all Americans the resources they…
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Helping Scientists Understand Research Cyber Risks

By Sean Peisert, Karen Stocks, and Von Welch.  Cyber attacks don’t just hit big corporations or governments or hospitals. Anything connected to networks is vulnerable, and that includes research and open science. In general, scientists who use computers and other…
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5 Highlights from the Cybersecurity Summit at UC Davis

By Cassie Baloue. The UC Cyber-Risk Coordination Center (C3)  hosted its third UC Cybersecurity Summit at UC Davis as a track during the Information Security Symposium, June 20-21, 2017. The theme of the summit was “Race to Resiliency,” which covered…
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Register for the Oct. 18 UC Cybersecurity Summit at UCSD

Photo of Speaker at Cybersecurity Summit

By David Rusting. Registration for the fourth biannual UC Cybersecurity Summit, October 18, 2017, at UC San Diego, is now open. Please join us for a full day of information and insights about cybersecurity and cyber-risk management – and to…
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Commercial Customers Now Buying Software Created by UC’s Risk and Safety Solutions

By Crystal Ross O’Hara, Lead Communications Analyst, Risk and Safety Solutions, UC Davis. Public service is a core mission of the University of California and one way it is achieved is by sharing innovations and technology from campuses to the…
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UC Cybersecurity Summit – Actually a Fun Event!

By Alexa Rivetti, IT Communications Coordinator, UCOP.  Over 80 cybersecurity professionals converged at UC Berkeley’s Memorial Stadium on November 9, 2016, for the second biannual UC Cybersecurity Summit. The event was informative, positive, and fun. Lawyers, professors, and programmers formed…
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