Tag Archive: COVID-19

UCSD and UCSF Pilot Smartphone Technology to Help Limit Spread of COVID-19

UCSF Medical & UCSD Medical

Two University of California campuses are piloting the use of a smartphone technology to notify users if they have had a high-risk COVID-19 exposure that may result in infection. Importantly, privacy and security are central to the design of the…
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A Fight to Map Change: The UCSF Health Atlas Reveals Social Inequities

A map from the UCSF Health Atlas depicting 40.1% food insecurity in a West Oakland, CA neighborhood. California’s average food insecurity is 12.7%.

By Ghanya C. Thomas. Medical doctor Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo recalls a conversation with a patient who had heart failure: “I’m always emphasizing to my patients the importance of eating fruits and vegetables and this one time during our visit the patient…
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Facilitating Teaching and Learning in a COVID-19 Environment

A coffee mug sitting next to a laptop, during a Zoom meeting

By Katie Chappell. Transitioning thousands of courses to a virtual format is no small task, and just as other institutions of higher education around the world, the faculty of UCI faced the enormous task with just a few days to…
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Going Virtual in 25 days: The Transformation Journey of the UC Cyber Security Summit

Screenshot from UC Cyber Security Summit website

 By Adrian Mohuczy-Dominiak. My team was putting the final touches in place for the April 2020 UC Cyber Security Summit. Then the world was hit with a pandemic. Our in-person event was no longer an option.    We didn’t want to give up on our goal of information sharing and community…
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COVID-19 Grand Rounds at UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego Health COVID-19 Virtual Grand Rounds

Do you wish you could get COVID-19 information directly from the experts? Get help sorting fact from fiction? You’re in luck! Physicians at UC San Diego Health have launched the COVID-19 Grand Rounds Series, a six-part, live video symposium…
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Managing Well in a Remote World: Lessons from the UC Women in IT Community

four hands holding each other

By Annelie Rugg. We’re well past 100 days of the COVID-19 quarantine and still counting. Everything we thought we knew, including how to balance work and life, has required us to change, at least for now. And while we yearn…
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How UC Berkeley One IT is Supporting Campus During COVID-19

Zoom logo and COVID-19 written next to it

By Rita Rosenthal. Like many colleges and universities across the country, the demand for technical teams to expand existing services or build new services in support of the campus community during COVID-19 has been at a steady hum. Early in…
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UCI’s Remote Work Is Powered by Electronic Document Workflows

By Lyle Wiedeman. Individually, the DocuSign and FileNet tools help UC Irvine manage electronic files. Together, they guide the powerful workflow of millions of documents with speed, precision access, and audit trails. DocuSign is an electronic signature application that…
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