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What do a parking lot, a U.S. president, and the University of California have in common?

They all celebrate UC Charter Day!

By Alexa Rivetti, IT Communications Coordinator, UCOP.  Did you know 149 years ago today, on March 23, 1868, the charter for what would become the University of California was enacted? UC was borne out…
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Upcoming Webinar: How the UCLA Library Provides Virtual Services to Staff and the General Campus

Is anything real anymore, or is it all smoke and mirrors? The UCLA Library provides virtual applications and desktops to library staff, and virtual applications to campus through the Campus Library Instructional Computing Commons’ (CLICC) Software Shortcut. Leveraging a…
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Greater than the Sum of Its Parts: Smart Manufacturing Institute Launches

By Julie Tran, CESMII Membership Manager. UCLA has been on the forefront of data analytics and next-generation IT in manufacturing for over 10 years, and was among the co-founders of the initiative in 2006 that led to the formation of…
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Calling all UC information technology innovators: Annual Sautter Award Program now open for nominations

Sautter logo

UC’s Sautter Award Program, which celebrates innovation in information technology, is now accepting nominations through May 19, 2017. The annual awards recognize technology projects that demonstrate the program’s values, including innovation, collaboration and operational efficiency, and that advance UC’s teaching,…
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Committing to the Experiment: A UCSD / UCSF Collaboration

By Yvonne Tevis, Chief of Staff, UCOP Information Technology Services.   “Collaborating is an experiment,” said Jenn Glassman, assistant director for technology and project management in UC San Diego’s procure-to-pay organization. She speaks from experience. Glassman and Melissa Gee, UC…
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Commercial Customers Now Buying Software Created by UC’s Risk and Safety Solutions

By Crystal Ross O’Hara, Lead Communications Analyst, Risk and Safety Solutions, UC Davis. Public service is a core mission of the University of California and one way it is achieved is by sharing innovations and technology from campuses to the…
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