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STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ Partnership for Systemwide Information Security Awareness

A Superhero asks users to stop, think, connect

By Julie Goldstein.  UC recently signed a new systemwide partnership agreement with STOP. THINK. CONNECT.™ , which describes itself as a “global online safety awareness campaign to help all digital citizens stay safer and more secure online.” By becoming…
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Spotlight: Jon Meyer – Shipboard Support at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

John Meyer

By Alison Spencer. Jon C. Meyer’s job has taken him to Palau, Thailand, India, and Australia, among other places.  “Pretty much anywhere with a coast, I’ve gotten a chance to go,” said Meyer. He travels around the world to transport…
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UC ANR and AgStart Receive $500,000 to Cultivate the VINE

The Vine Logo

California is constantly being challenged by pest invasions, obesity, labor shortages, water scarcity, food insecurity, climate change and more. To accelerate the development and adoption of technologies that address these challenges and advance food, agriculture and natural resources in California,…
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UC Seeks Applications For 2018 Information Technology Award

Photos of Sautter Award-winning team

Applications for the 2018 Larry L. Sautter Award honoring innovation in information technology are now being accepted through May 18, 2018. The award program is sponsored by the UC IT Leadership Council (ITLC). The annual awards recognize technology projects…
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Process Palooza – Lean Six Sigma in Action at UC San Diego

By Mark Hersberger.  What do you get when you mix a day of education and competition centered around continuous improvement? Process Palooza – a first-of-its kind event showcasing how UC San Diego gains efficiencies through Lean Six Sigma (LSS). Attendees…
Read more about Process Palooza – Lean Six Sigma in Action at UC San Diego