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UCD Health Is Ready: Health Information Exchange when Disaster Strikes

By Michael Marchant. After the disastrous California wildfires, how did the many, many displaced people – separated from their local clinics, doctors’ offices, medical records, even medications – get care? How did providers and first responders treat them, when they…
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UC Gets Systemwide Agreement and BAA for Google Cloud Platform – and More!

By Thomas Trappler. A new systemwide agreement for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is now available, in addition to a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) for both GCP and G-Suite for Education. Here’s what you need to know. What is GCP?
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Cyber-Stronger Together: The Systemwide Security Awareness Group

illustration: streams of information being blocked by a lock

By Bill Green. One hundred fifty years ago, it was not uncommon for friends and neighbors to band together to help one another build a barn. It made for quick work, and just a bit of effort from everyone completed…
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UC San Diego Updates edX Platform to Improve Online Learning Experience

People working on computers at the Hub at UCSD

By Mark Hersberger. The University of California San Diego was collecting test scores and other learning metrics from 3.4 million students engaged in its offering of 90 massive, open, online courses (MOOCs). However, due to incompatibilities between the data format…
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