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NEWS: Survey insights capture UC tech community interests and guide the year ahead

By Laurel Skurko. The year is ending with great news for the UC tech blog team, thanks to insights shared by over 1,000 UC tech community members, including tech employees, other UC staff, among others. Results confirmed high satisfaction levels…
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NEWS: Exploring the “Future of AI”: Insights from UC Tech community discussion session

Camille Crittenden smiles for a photo during the discussion and networking call

By Jackie Brown. Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly prominent role in shaping our world and daily lives. On October 25, 2023, UC Tech members shared key takeaways during the Networking event: UC Tech discussion session on…
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JOBS: Ask the expert: How to make a transition into Information Technology  

Ask the Expert: Career Transitions with Connie Tremblay and Don Lynne

[Editor’s Note: The University of California (UC) Tech blog news team is now dedicated to featuring a segment where we address questions directly from our audience. Feel free to send us your questions by email to,, and our experts…
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EVENT: UCSF Innovation Showcase and Reception at JP Morgan 2024: Jan 9, 5-8 p.m. – Register now

UCSF Innovation teams invite you to join them in gathering with global healthcare, health tech and life sciences communities at the 42nd Annual JP Morgan (JPM) 2024 Healthcare Conference (which takes place on Monday, January 8 – Thursday, January 11,…
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EVENT: Process PaloozAI Webinar: Hear about artificial intelligence from United Nations advisor – March 26, 10:30 – 12 p.m. – Register now

Process PaloozAI Webinar

By Todd Anderson. This stand-alone webinar, taking place from 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. on March 26, 2024, will host an engaging discussion around the intersection of process improvement and AI/automation and the impacts on productivity, quality and satisfaction. For…
Read more about EVENT: Process PaloozAI Webinar: Hear about artificial intelligence from United Nations advisor – March 26, 10:30 – 12 p.m. – Register now

INTERVIEW: Anita Ho, UCSF bioethics professor: insights on improved approaches to patient data and analyzing mental health chatbots

By Brendon Phuong and Laurel Skurko. Anita Ho, an associate professor in the UCSF Bioethics Program, recently discussed her insights and experience in collecting and using data in the health care setting with the UC Tech News team. She emphasized…
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Algorithmic justice in precision medicine: why it matters and where we are headed

By Laurel Skurko. Algorithmic Justice, a concept that pertains to ensuring that data is processed in a way that is relevant to diverse populations, is increasingly important today as we rely heavily on AI, which is fueled by data, to…
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UCSF Health begins testing its first AI scribe service in-clinic

Stock image of robot reading a tablet

By Tanya Jansen. In health care, the need for accurate and efficient documentation is paramount. Traditionally, physicians have spent significant time and effort on manual documentation, taking away time that could be spent with patients. The UCSF Faculty Practice Office…
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Felix Zuñiga, California State University, EDUCAUSE’s DEI Leadership winner, shares his life’s purpose in his powerful acceptance speech

The 2023 EDUCAUSE DEI award went to Felix Zuñiga, ITS Campus Engagement Partner, California State University (CSU), Office of the Chancellor. Zuniga is a member of the UC tech community, providing the UC Tech news team with valuable insight as…
Read more about Felix Zuñiga, California State University, EDUCAUSE’s DEI Leadership winner, shares his life’s purpose in his powerful acceptance speech