Monthly Archive: February 2022

Patient Flow Program at UCD Health: A National Gold Star Winner

Hospital workers help a patient

By Kristen Godfrey. UC Davis Health has won gold stars for improving patient flow! How? By creating a program to address everything from reducing the time doctors spend walking from patient to patient, to decreasing the time patients spend waiting…
Read more about Patient Flow Program at UCD Health: A National Gold Star Winner

Computers in a Jazz Ensemble? Inventing Improvisational AI

UC San Diego Professor Shlomo Dubnov is among the researchers who will benefit from a European Research Council Advanced Grant to teach computers how to improvise, musically.

By Josh Baxt. Go to any jazz club and watch the musicians. Their performances are dynamic and improvisational; they’re inventing as they go along, having entire conversations through their instruments. Can we give computers the same capabilities? To answer that…
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Data Management in AWS: A UC Collaboration Success Story

RDMS team members in top photo from left: Hooman Pejman, Susan Whitney, Leena Patil, Eric Odell, Nilofeur Samuel, Satish Pasupuleti, Swapnil Kamble (kneeling), Anyi Zheng, Vijay Alluri, Sameer Karki, Hima Patlolla, Carlos Garrido-Ramirez, and Emily Weaver. Team members not shown are Surendra Gade and Sundar Thiru.

By Susan Whitney. I want to tell the story how a systemwide group successfully delivered a complex, well-architected, cross-functional team solution, on time, and within budget. In 18 months, we re-architected and migrated the UCOP Risk Services Data Management System…
Read more about Data Management in AWS: A UC Collaboration Success Story

Register: Diversity in Tech Symposium, March 10-11

2022 Diversity in Tech Symposium: Advancing Climate Resilience - March 10 & 11, 2022

Register for the Diversity in Tech Symposium: Advancing Climate Resilience presented by EDGE in Tech Initiative at the University of California, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, and Berkeley Engineering. This virtual event takes place March 10–11, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m….
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Nominate a Colleague for a 2022 EDUCAUSE Award

EDUCAUSE Awards, Recognizing Exemplary Leaders in our Community

EDUCAUSE is seeking nominations for its annual EDUCAUSE Awards Program, which brings peer endorsement and distinction to professional accomplishments in higher education IT. Awards are given in the following four categories: The Leadership Award is the highest recognition…
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UC Tech Assembly: Black Leaders Panel, Feb. 28

UC Tech Assembly, Black Leaders Panel. February 28, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. Photos: L-R: Van Williams, Carmen Robinson, Al Covington, and Charron Andrus

Register for the UC Tech Assembly: Black Leaders Panel: Monday, February 28 11:00 a.m. – noon Register now This panel launches UC Tech Assembly series, which is expanding the former town hall series to better amplify the voices of…
Read more about UC Tech Assembly: Black Leaders Panel, Feb. 28

Paging Doctor Robot?

A robotic hand holding a stethoscope

By Shelley Leachman. Much like a family physician who has treated you for years, computer systems could — hypothetically — know a patient’s complete medical history. A more common experience, of course, is seeing a new doctor or a specialist…
Read more about Paging Doctor Robot?