Tag Archive: UC Irvine

UC Irvine Cross-functional Team Extends Security in the Mobile Workforce 

UC Irvine "Future of Work" Team: Winning Silver for the inaugural IT Security Award - Kian Colestock (right), Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Technology (OIT) with Jenn Stringer, CIO UC Santa Cruz (left) at the 2022 UC Tech Awards

By Sarkis Daglian. A UC Irvine team won the inaugural UC Tech IT Security Award for transforming how the university functions in a hybrid world. Within 12 months, thanks to a first-of-its kind, centrally funded program, the team succeeded in…
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Data Privacy Day Panel Discussion, Jan. 28

A person is attached by cords to various social media accounts and devices

Register now for a panel discussion with UC Campus Privacy Officers to celebrate Data Privacy Day this Friday, January 28, at noon! Panelists will explore the film, The Social Dilemma, the future of data, what UC’s role should be…
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Register: Privacy Career Awareness Panel, Jan. 26

Animated Video call, with four diverse participants

Register for the panel discussion “How to Break Down Barriers to Privacy Careers for Underrepresented Populations,” hosted by the UC Berkeley Privacy Office. This virtual event will take place on January 26, 2022, at 11:00 a.m. Register for the…
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Data Privacy Day: Film Screening and Panel Discussion

University of California, The Social Dilemma, Screening and Panel Discussion in Recognition of Data Privacy Day

We tweet, we like, and we share — but what are the consequences of our growing dependence on social media? In the documentary film, The Social Dilemma, Silicon Valley insiders reveal how social media is reprogramming civilization by exposing…
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ZotForce: UCI’s Comprehensive Advancement Solution

By Ashish Regmi. To prepare for 21st century fundraising, UCI’s University Advancement began reassessing its technology infrastructure in 2015. The assessment revealed a combination of legacy technologies, homegrown fixes, and a highly non-integrated environment resulting in disjointed experiences, increasing technology…
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Advancing Lab Safety Towards Excellence

A woman working in a lab. Photo: UCI Research Safety Services

When Research Safety Services at UC Irvine evaluated their safety program, several gaps were found in lab safety which were hindering their safety goals. The database for lab inspections and findings was outdated with low tech reporting capabilities, and pulling…
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UCI Uses Student Data to Bolster Student Success

By Kristen McIntyre. Student success depends on having timely support programs in place to address learning and achievement gaps. UCI has developed a program, called COMPASS, to help instructors and advisors pinpoint student need and provide that essential support. It…
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The Role of Computing in Sustainability and Solutions that Scale

A knowledge graph generated by one of the students participating in ICS 5 at the beginning of the course. This assignment was an attempt to capture student prior knowledge about topics relating to sustainability and technology, using a concept and relationship structure.

By Shani Murray. As Scientific American reiterated this month, we are in the midst of a climate emergency. 2020 saw record-breaking wildfires and hurricanes and ended in a tie with 2016 as the hottest year on record. Aware of the massive scope of challenges…
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When Everyone Must Separate, Technology Keeps Us Together

On-campus essential workers Matthew Tendroch (seated) and Justin Hsieh are from the UCI Office of Information Technology’s Wellness, Health & Counseling Services desktop support team, serving the Student Health Center. Steve Zylius / UCI

By Sheri Ledbetter. Kian Colestock, associate vice chancellor and chief information officer in UCI’s Office of Information Technology, recalls the weekend in which he learned that his unit would be supporting the technological transition of a major research university to an…
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