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A Home for Hands-on Student Innovation: UC Berkeley’s Jacobs Institute

b.Print’s at home 3D braille printer. Photo by Gibson Chu, Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation.

By Chasiri Sherron. “We knew that we wanted to focus our efforts on a project that could actually be used to benefit others,” UC Berkeley student Joshua Ott said. He and his teammates Matthew Drake, Tony Kim, and Andrew Ansell…
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UCI Supports Students with Free Technological Resources

By Leanne Ozaki. As UCI transitioned to a fully remote learning environment, many students found themselves unable to access essential course materials due to their reliance on on-campus resources. Without personal desktops, laptops, or reliable internet connections, students faced difficulties…
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UC’s Got a New Payroll System: What’s Next?

The UCPath Center, located in a UC owned building in the City of Riverside, is a short walk from the Moreno Valley/March Field Metrolink Station.

By Mark Cianca. Very quietly, and with little fanfare, the largest business transformation initiative in the University of California’s history concluded at the end of last month. With the deployment in July at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the nine-year UCPath…
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Register to Attend the UCI Women in Tech Panel

Women in Tech Virtual Panel: New Environments, New Opportunities

Event: Altered Environments, New Opportunities Date: Thursday, September 10, 2020 Time: 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Register now for the inaugural event of UCI Women in Tech, Altered Environments, New Opportunities. The panel will feature UC IT leaders in a…
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Kubernetes in the Cloud: UCSD Explores Containers

Outline of a ship's wheel

By Stoyan Stoyanov. No doubt about it…containers are great! Whereas it could take days (or even weeks!) to provision a physical server, containers allow developers to spin up an application server in a matter of minutes. Containers let development teams…
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EDUCAUSE Annual Conference Goes Virtual: Register Now

Educause Annual Conference, October 27-29, 2020, Online

The EDUCAUSE Annual Conference will look a little different in 2020, moving to a fully online format. It will take place October 27-29, 2020. The main conference will be held on an all-new virtual platform that will elevate participant…
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UC Teams Receive Annual Sautter Awards for IT Innovation

Larry L. Sautter Award logo

Ten teams from across the University of California won the 2020 Larry L. Sautter Award for technology innovations that make university operations more effective and efficient and better serve faculty, staff, students and patients. Interim Chief Information Officer Mark Cianca…
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Facilitating Teaching and Learning in a COVID-19 Environment

A coffee mug sitting next to a laptop, during a Zoom meeting

By Katie Chappell. Transitioning thousands of courses to a virtual format is no small task, and just as other institutions of higher education around the world, the faculty of UCI faced the enormous task with just a few days to…
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Going Virtual in 25 days: The Transformation Journey of the UC Cyber Security Summit

Screenshot from UC Cyber Security Summit website

 By Adrian Mohuczy-Dominiak. My team was putting the final touches in place for the April 2020 UC Cyber Security Summit. Then the world was hit with a pandemic. Our in-person event was no longer an option.    We didn’t want to give up on our goal of information sharing and community…
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