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Spotlight: Combining Medicine with Informatics – Lucila Ohno-Machado, MD, PhD

Posted by Leah Burns, IT Communications Coordinator, UCOP. “Information is the basis of healthcare,” said Dr. Lucila Ohno-Machado, chair of the Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI) and associate dean for Informatics and Technology at UCSD. In her work, she…
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Spotlight: Atul Butte – UC Health Executive Director of Clinical Informatics

Posted by the Office of Jack Stobo, EVP, UC Health. What motivated you to join UC Health as Executive Director of Clinical Informatics? I was motivated to join because of the amazing joint position I hold between UCSF and UC…
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Upcoming Webinar: Designing a Professional Development Plan for Your IT Organization

In this webinar, you’ll learn how Student Affairs IT at UC Berkeley created a Workforce Strategy Professional Development Plan for the entire department. What began with a Gallup engagement survey has culminated in an intentional approach to ensuring each employee…
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Spotlight: Albert Duntugan, Managing Data and Information Architecture at UCLA Health

Posted by Leah Burns, IT Communications Coordinator, UCOP. Albert Duntugan always loved science and like many who study biology, intended to pursue medical school. However, after completing his bachelor’s degree from Loyola Marymount University, Duntugan pursued an interest in public…
Read more about Spotlight: Albert Duntugan, Managing Data and Information Architecture at UCLA Health

Spotlight: UCR’s Israel Fletes Brings the Tech to Learning

Posted by Susan Shen, UCB Intern, UCOP. High school programming projects inspired a passion for computing and technology in Israel Fletes. A Calexico native, he attended UCR, graduating with a degree in business economics in 1989. After a short-lived absence,…
Read more about Spotlight: UCR’s Israel Fletes Brings the Tech to Learning