Author Archive: UC Tech News

What I’ve Learned About Parenting and Working during COVID

Katie Chappell and her family

By Katie Chappell. I recently celebrated one year with the University of California – I’ve now worked for UC Irvine remotely and during a pandemic longer than I have on campus in normal circumstances. I am doing this while co-parenting…
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UC Gets Discount for Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure Logo

By Thomas Trappler. Since 2014, the UC wide agreement with Microsoft (2018.000231) has made Microsoft’s Azure products available for use under terms and conditions aligned with UC’s needs, policy, and the law. Effective July 1, 2020, as a result…
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Watch the UC OATS Video

A screenshot of the UC OATS platform

The UC Outside Activity Tracking System (UC OATS) took home the Golden Award at the 2020 Sautter Awards. UC OATS is a systemwide, multi-campus collaboration formed to facilitate the reporting and tracking of Outside Professional Activities (OPA) and identify potential cases of…
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UCSC Partners in Institute to Explore the Role of AI in Education

Marilyn Walker & Jeffrey Flanigan

By Tim Stephens. Computer scientists in the Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz are partners in a new institute to explore the role that artificial intelligence (AI) may play in the future of education and workforce development. Funded…
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Watch the UC IT Town Hall Online

UC IT Town Hall, October 2020

The UC IT Town Hall was held October 19, 2020. Over 400 attendees joined remotely from around the UC system. Mark Cianca, Interim UC CIO, opened the session to welcome attendees. Eugene Whitlock, UC Berkeley chief people and culture…
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Student Dens: A Remote Student Support System at UC Merced

Student/Den graphics: Gustavo Torres, UC Merced Student Affairs.

By Jessica Duffy and Christy Snyder. As the full impact of COVID-19 unfolded over the summer, UC Merced’s academic leadership made the decision to build out capacity to support remote instruction. Of particular concern was the student experience in this…
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Don’t Miss the Second UC Tech Virtual Event

The Power of 10; Stronger Together

UCLA will host the last Virtual UC Tech event of 2020 next Tuesday, November 10. Register now, if you haven’t already! The theme of this event is The Power of 10; Stronger Together and topics will include leveraging…
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UC Santa Cruz Student Corps

UCSC Student Corps

By Jim Phillips. In response to the shelter-in-place order that was instituted in California due to the coronavirus pandemic, Jay Olson, divisional liaison for the Humanities Division, Information Technology Services (ITS), brought together a group of UCSC student workers to offer…
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Election Season Cyber Threats

election security

By Kip Bates and Sam Horowitz. Another academic year is here, and classes are well underway. Among the other things you’ve probably noticed is that there’s an election happening. Hidden among the cacophony of news and disinformation is a persistent…
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