Monthly Archive: January 2020

Privacy and Its Big Brother, #internet50

A giant blue eye with lines of binary code written over it

By Kent Wada. In case you missed it, the people of the State of California have voted to include privacy as an inalienable right. Go look for yourself: it’s right there in Article 1, Section 1 of the California Constitution:1 CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION,…
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Register for UCSD’s Cultured Data Symposium

Black screen with binary code written in colorful font

On February 7 and 8, UC San Diego will host the Cultured Data Symposium, bringing together experts from data science and the arts and humanities to examine the emerging relationship between data and culture. The symposium will feature two keynote…
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Street Story – A Platform for Community Engagement

A couple walking, a bicyclist and a car sharing the road. (UC Berkeley graphic by Hulda Nelson)

By Kara Manke. As programs manager for Bike Bakersfield, a nonprofit bicycle advocacy coalition in Southern California, Asha Chandy hears scary stories all the time about bike collisions and near misses. “One guy told me that he was almost sideswiped…
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Top 5 UC IT Stories for 2019

UC IT staff wait in line to register for UCTech 2019

By Mark Cianca and Yvonne Tevis. Diversity and Inclusion Get the Spotlight The UC IT community is focusing on diversity from all angles. A new “Diversifying the IT Culture” track boasted 16 sessions at our big annual UC Tech…
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Up Your Game: Build a Data-Driven App with UCLA’s ZAP

By Rose Rocchio. Do you want to modernize your communications, ease off on the email? Learn how UCLA’s Zenith App Platform (ZAP) can help you build “an app for that.” Using ZAP, UC organizations can create the mobile environment…
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Free Dataset Archive Helps Researchers Quickly Find a Needle in a Haystack

The UCR Spatio-temporal Active Repository, or UCR STAR.

By Holly Ober. Let’s say you’re doing research that requires millions of geotagged tweets. Or perhaps you’re a journalist who wants to map murders in Chicago from 2001 to the present. You need to find large spatio-temporal datasets — but…
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Don’t Miss the April 15 UC Cyber Security Summit at UC Berkeley

UC Cyber Security Summit banner

Save the date for the ninth biannual UC Cyber Security Summit, which will be held at UC Berkeley on April 15, 2020. The summit is UC’s semiannual meeting that brings together people from across the university to discuss and…
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