Each year, the UC Womxn in Tech community nominates women to be recognized for their achievements. They conduct a call for nominations and then decide on a single submission (one person or team of women) on behalf of their location to WIT, who then publishes the submissions in an annual “Women Rock IT” article in UC Tech news. Each year, this article is one of the most widely viewed articles in UC Tech News. Each location will submit their nominations to WIT by Thursday, March 27th. The location WIT committee is responsible for submitting a single entry and getting permission from the honoree to be included. The UC WIT education subcommittee will review and edit the final entries for publication.
The nomination process
Community members work with their WIT chapter to submit a nomination to the UC WIT Committee’s annual “UC Womxn Rock IT” to highlight the contributions of Womxn in Information Technology across the UC system.
The program, culminating in an annual article, spotlights the compelling accomplishments of one woman or one team of women from each location – describing their significant contributions (large or small) any time from March 2024 through February 2025. The contributions must highlight work in Information Technology (in any field, from ed tech to software development to security) or work that reflects the mission and values of UC WIT.
Please work with your location’s group to choose that one special woman or team to be honored in 2025.
The nomination form
Submissions should include the following information and be submitted directly to WIT chapter representing your location/team at UC. The information required includes:
- Campus
- Full name of honoree
- Title/position and area/unit of the honoree
- Contact email of the honoree
- Photo of honoree (fun photo is best, but headshot is fine)
- Supporting links
- A succinct (100 words) description of the honoree’s achievement/contribution. When writing the description, tap the human-interest side of the story and explain what the honoree did that is compelling. What makes her achievement amazing? What makes her amazing? You might consider answering one or more of the following questions:
○ What was the impact of her achievement?
○ How difficult was her challenge?
○ How urgent was the issue she addressed?
○ Did she handle a complex organizational change?
○ Did she create a more inclusive environment?
○ Did she advance the professional goals and aspirations of UC womxn in technology?
About UC Womxn In Tech (WIT)
UC Womxn in Tech (WIT) is composed of chapters across 22 locations, representing numerous departments and positions within the technology function. The UC Women in Tech committee, entrusts each campus with the responsibility of identifying and proposing candidates who demonstrate dedication to, and innovation in, the field of technology. This location-level nomination process allows us to harness the unique strengths and talents present in diverse locations. Goals include system wide action, change initiatives, awareness and solutions, professional development, and intercampus exchange. Learn more about Womxn In Tech.

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