By Wendy Rager. The growing University of California’s Information Technology Policy and Security (ITPS) group allows security professionals to gather, learn from experts, and share information around cybersecurity, risk management, training, and more. Learn more about the ITPS community in the 2022 Cyber Risk Program Annual Report ( and the upcoming 2023 Annual Report.
UC recognizes the importance of staying ahead of cybersecurity threats and fostering a collaborative environment for its information security professionals, with the ITPS community embodying the values of knowledge sharing, collaboration, and community support.
Bringing Connection to the Forefront
Learning and information sharing are both key elements necessary for healthy cybersecurity programs. The Information Technology Policy and Security Community of Interest (ITPS) is a group that encourages both. Group attendees can expand their cybersecurity understanding through case studies, threat briefings, and training.
Years ago, when Robert Smith, previous systemwide IT policy and security director at the UC Office of the President, saw a need for to connect the security community across the UC system, he helped reform the ITPS group from a chartered subcommittee to a “UC community of interest,” ensuring group members would have a venue for sharing and learning.
This collaborative environment has resulted in a dynamic and growing group that embodies the values of knowledge sharing, collaboration, and community support. The ITPS community is open to all UC information security professionals, UC Workforce members with information security as a portion of their job responsibilities, and anyone at UC interested in cybersecurity.
Timely Topics and Speakers
The focus of the ITPS group is sharing information related to cyber security programs, case studies, risk management, initiatives, threat briefings, and training. Community members are encouraged to present and to help identify future speakers.
Presentations and discussions in the past year have included: IT Recovery and Business Continuity Planning; Research Security Updates; Trends in Cybersecurity and Privacy Litigation; Transforming a Campus IAM System; Accessibility and Security; Ransomware Playbook; UC Legal Guidance on Cookies, Banners, Trackers, ChatGPT; and Leveraging Cross-Industry Insights.
The October 2023 meeting will feature a presentation and discussion with an emergency services coordinator with the integrated preparedness team from the San Francisco Department of Emergency Management.
The group has grown to 664 people in the past several years. Meeting attendance is generally 150+ members, ensuring a diverse and thoughtful group ready to share ideas and discuss important topics. The group is limited to those in the UC system. Read more about ITPS on the UC webpage ( or in the 2022 Cyber Risk Program Annual Report ( There will be a story about the group in the upcoming 2023 Cyber Risk Program Annual Report as well.
Getting Involved
The ITPS group is a community supported by the University of California’s systemwide Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) office. There is a standing meeting the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am PT. Joining the mailing list and attending the monthly calls is a good way to stay informed on UC initiatives and to hear case studies from peers throughout UC.
To be added to the listserv or for additional information about ITPS, contact Monte Ratzlaff, Director of Cyber Risk Program.

Manager Cyber Risk Coordination Center
UC Office of the President
[Cover Image / AltText: Photo of Stanley Hall, UC Berkeley, used in the 2022 Cyber Risk Program Annual Report]