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Leading the Charge on Science DMZs to Support Big-Data Research

Developing a campus-wide Science DMZ takes time, commitment, and lots of advocacy, according to Joshua Sonstroem, systems administrator at the University of California, Santa Cruz. If successful, however, the resulting cyberinfrastructure helps ensure that faculty and students can join in…
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California’s Research Network Connects Science and Community

Louis Fox, CENIC CEO

By Susan Rambo. CENIC — the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California — wants to connect the state of California into one giant wireless mesh network. With 20 million users, non-profit network operator CENIC (pronounced “scenic”) may be in a good position…
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Our Cloud Story: How UC Santa Cruz Migrated to AWS 

3 people talking next to a window

 By Charles McIntyre. Early in 2017, UC Santa Cruz went live with its first enterprise IT service in the cloud, the Identity Management (IDM) system. This was followed in rapid succession by other migrations to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud: PeopleSoft Campus Solutions in October…
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Hackathon Draws Fresh Ideas for Patient Engagement

photo of 2019 Hackathon participants

By Marissa Ventura. They came from across the country to dream up ideas, using technology, to improve patient engagement and their experience in today’s health-care system. Whether it involved crowd-sourcing, blockchain technology, or Alexa skills, more than 200 undergraduate and…
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What Does Europe’s New Privacy Law Mean for UC?

A circle of stars surrounding a lock

By Scott Seaborn. On May 25, 2018, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went live, significantly changing the international privacy landscape and raising the regulatory stakes for institutions and companies working with the personal data of persons in Europe.  …
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IT Strategic Sourcing Wins Higher Ed Award 

Photo: David Wilson; Thomas Trappler (author); Cathy O'Sullivan, chief of staff to the chief operating officer, UC Office of the President.

By Thomas Trappler. At the California Higher Education Collaborative (CHEC) conference on October 1, 2018, David Willson, manager, Strategic Technology Acquisition at UC Berkeley, and I accepted a Focus on Efficiency award on behalf of the whole UC IT strategic sourcing community. The award recognizes UC for creating a partnership between the UC procurement and IT communities that has successfully improved the effectiveness, efficiency, and outcomes of IT strategic…
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Why Doctors Love Their Computers

UC San Diego Health Center and UC San Diego Jacobs Medical Center

By Amy Sitapati, Brian Clay, and Marlene Millen. Thanks in no small part to digitization, medicine today is much different than the medicine of yesterday. Plenty has already been written about how electronic health record (EHR) systems amplify the time,…
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Save Dec. 12 for Webinar: UC’s Cisco Agreement – More than Routing and Switching

Cisco Webinar

Learn from Cisco professionals about the new UC contract with EPlus for Cisco procurement and about UC’s formal strategic relationship with Cisco. You may think of routing and switching as the core Cisco technologies. Well, over the past few years…
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UC Davis Streamlines Services for International Students and Scholars

By Jeané Blunt. When most people think about UC Davis – agriculture, animal science, and even Gunrock the mustang may come to mind. They likely don’t realize that UC Davis is home to more than 10,000 international students and scholars…
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