Author Archive: UC Tech News

UC Irvine Cross-functional Team Extends Security in the Mobile Workforce 

UC Irvine "Future of Work" Team: Winning Silver for the inaugural IT Security Award - Kian Colestock (right), Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Technology (OIT) with Jenn Stringer, CIO UC Santa Cruz (left) at the 2022 UC Tech Awards

By Sarkis Daglian. A UC Irvine team won the inaugural UC Tech IT Security Award for transforming how the university functions in a hybrid world. Within 12 months, thanks to a first-of-its kind, centrally funded program, the team succeeded in…
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Key Elements of the Systemwide Transforming UC Library Services Project Success Story

The phase 3 SILS project team in 2018 in front of UC San Diego's Geisel Library for the phase 3 kickoff.

By Lena Zentall and Christine Barone. This summer, the Systemwide Transforming UC Library Services (aka SILS*) team received the UC Tech Larry L. Sautter Innovation in Information Technology Silver Award. The story of their success provides a window into best-practices in…
Read more about Key Elements of the Systemwide Transforming UC Library Services Project Success Story

Perspectives on National Disability Employment Awareness Month, October 2022  

Disability Employment - Calling UC Tech Innovators to Join the Conversation during Oct 2022 National Disability Employment Awareness Month

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM, pronounced “n-deam”). All members of the University of California (UC) technology community are encouraged to participate to expand our understanding of disability employment issues and celebrate the many…
Read more about Perspectives on National Disability Employment Awareness Month, October 2022  

Calling the UC Tech Community to Explore The California Agricultural & Robotics Technology Forum  

Ag Robotics Conference Oct 18-20 in Fresno

For the first time, the world’s largest Agricultural Robotics (Ag Robotics) conference, The World Agricultural Robotics Conference (aka “FIRA,” as it is called in Europe) will take place in Fresno, CA, Oct 18-20 under the name The California Agricultural &…
Read more about Calling the UC Tech Community to Explore The California Agricultural & Robotics Technology Forum