Less than 2 weeks to go until the UC Tech 2023 Conference begins in-person at UC Berkeley and online, from Monday July 17- Wednesday, July 19th. Learn about an informative opening session at 9-9:45 on Monday, July 17, and read about other important updates and reminders regarding this important conference – an annual opportunity to connect with UC IT community members.
Join the UC IT Marketing and Outreach session at 9 a.m. Monday, July 17
The UC IT blog marketing team invites those interested in discussing marketing strategies and tactics to reach a community of ~10K UC tech community members to attend the Marketing and Outreach session from 9-9:45 a.m. on Monday, July 17, at the UC Tech Conference. It is part of a category of sessions called “Birds of a Feather,” for the purpose of gathering colleagues interested in a similar topic to exchange best practices and more.
Event Details
UC IT Marketing & Outreach Session: Birds of a Feather Presentation
Monday, July 17, 9 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
Location: MLK Student Union, “Tilden,” MLK Student Union is located at 2495 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94720, with a parking garage in the building.
Host: UC Tech Conference
Audience: For in-person UC Tech 2023 Conference registered guests only
Contact: Laurel.Skurko@UCOP.edu
UC IT Marketing & Outreach Session
Thursday, July 27, 3-3:45 p.m.
Host: UC IT news blog team
Location: Zoom link
Audience: Open to all members of the UC tech community interested in expanding outreach to the UC tech community
Learning objectives
This session will cover the UC IT blog’s key marketing documents and welcomes input from you and your team on any of the following topics:
- UC techcommunity insights/survey program
- 2024 content calendar and plan
- Database management
- Social media strategies
- Marketing analytics and scorecards
Other UC Tech 2023 “Birds of a Feather” sessions
For those interested in other “Birds of a Feather” sessions happening between 9 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. on Monday, July 17 at the UC Tech 2023 Conference, please reference the print-version of the conference agenda.
UC Tech 2023 Online registration is now closed
Virtual regisration for the UC Tech 2023 conference is now closed, as it has reached capacity.
Your input needed with a chance to win $75
The UC tech community is interested in learning more about you — who you are and how we can serve you better. Please take 1-2 minutes to complete this short survey by Tuesday, July 18 at noon. The UC IT news team will do a drawing for prizes ($75 gift cards, Canva and OtterAI licenses and more) among those who complete the survey then announce winners at the UC Tech awards ceremony that evening. Also, survey respondents will receive a subscription to the UC IT blog newsletter.
More Information
If you have questions, and for additional updates, please visit the UC Tech 2023 Conference website.

Laurel Skurko
Marketing & Communications
UC Office of the President

Derek Shue
UC IT Marketing & Communications Intern
UC Office of the President