Celebrate Diwali or “festival of lights” on Tuesday November 19, 2024, with UC Office of the President Asian Pacific Islander Association (APISA). Register now.
Event Overview
- UC Office of the President Diwali Celebration
- Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024, 2 – 4 p.m. (Zoom event from 2-3 p.m.)
- Host: UC Office of the President Asian Pacific Islander Staff Association (A.P.I.S.A.)
- Featured ceremony/entertainment includes diya lighting, henna art, a traditional Indian dance performance by Nakazat, a UC Berkeley Indian dance group, as well as Indian singing by a member of the UC Office of the President community, delicious Indian tea snacks and more.
- In-person (for UC Office of the President employees) or online (all are welcome)
- Oakland – Broadway Conference Center (UC Office of the President employees). In-person event: RSVP and volunteer form for the in-person event (2- 4 p.m.) – Please RSVP by Friday, November 15, 2024, if possible.
- NB: UC Office of the President protocol for events over 20 people will apply. Please read, and abide by, these UCOP Event COVID protocol to ensure you are in compliance.
- Online event: Register for the online, Zoom event (2 – 3 p.m.) (All welcome – please register 24 hours before the event, if possible.)
- Oakland – Broadway Conference Center (UC Office of the President employees). In-person event: RSVP and volunteer form for the in-person event (2- 4 p.m.) – Please RSVP by Friday, November 15, 2024, if possible.
Event Description
Please join the UC Office of the President Asian Pacific Islander Staff Association team in celebrating this joyous occasion at UC Office of the President with shared stories, and an Indian dance performance, a professional singing performance, henna art, along with delicious Indian treats — both savory and sweet. We know you will enjoy the music, art, conversation and more.
Colleagues are welcome to attend in South Asian/Indian attire.
The event will feature henna art, UC Berkeley Indian dance performers and a professional singing performance as well.
2-4 pm – Reception, with food, dance, and a hand-selected Indian music playlist (using digital wallpaper) henna and rangoli art, delicious Indian savory snacks (samosas/pakoras) and favorite sweets by the Diwali planning committee
2:30-2:35 p.m. – Welcoming words – Laurel Skurko, Sushant Prasaad, with Diwali reflections shared by Krishna Roy, IT Services, UC Office of the President
2:35-2:45 p.m. – Diya Lighting and Indian song – Asian Pacific Islander Staff Association (A P I S A), UC Office of the President leadership, including Barbara Hui, California Digital Library, UC Office of the President. After the candle lighting, a UC Office of the President colleague family member will perform a traditional Indian song.
2:45- 3 p.m. – Indian dance performance by UC Berkeley dancers, “Nazakat”, learn a dance and head back for tea and conversation.
3 – 4 pm – Special opportunity to socialize with music, dance, food, and henna art. Learn more about your colleagues through each of these elements. We look forward to hearing your reflections and simply having a great time together.
UCOP Diwali 2024 Planning Committee:
Event co-chairs
Barbara Hui, senior applications programmer, UC Office of the President
Shirley Bittlingmeier, client services officer, UC Office of the President
Event organizers
Sushant Prasad, solutions architect AWS Cloud. UC Office of the President
Laurel Skurko, marketing and communications, UC Office of the President
APISA Sponsors
Nathan Brostrom, executive vice president and chief financial officer for the University of California
Yvette Gullatt, vice president for graduate and undergraduate affairs; vice provost for equity, diversity and inclusion; and chief diversity officer, University of California
Event Flyer