CENIC is now accepting presentation proposals for its annual conference, The Right Connection: CENIC 2020. Proposals are due December 2, 2019.
Session presentations should highlight innovative uses of CENIC’s CalRen to support California research and education communities. Presenters are encouraged to explore a variety of formats and topics that will help participants connect more deeply with the CalREN community and excite their imaginations about the possibilities of their work.
Possible areas of focus include:
- State-of-the-art and future network technologies
- Innovative applications in areas such as teaching, research, and public engagement
- Strategies to ensure all California communities have equitable access to reliable broadband
- Cybersecurity and privacy protection
- New statewide, national, and global collaborations supported by an interconnected research and education world
- Moving from the Pacific Research Platform to a National Research Platform
- Research and education partnerships in the Americas
Types of Presentations:
- Lecture:A single presenter speaking with or without slides with a question and answer period.
- Panel:A group of presenters with a moderator speaking with or without slides with a question and answer period.
- Demonstration:A session that focuses on and demonstrates work done on CalREN, either in real-time or pre-recorded.
- Workshop: A hands-on session in which participants are engaged in using a piece of technology and/or learning something new.
Visit The Right Connection website to submit your proposal.