The UC Tech community hopes to learn more about people with experiences both like – and different from – their own. To that end, we hope those with a passion for the following topics share insights so we can learn more about you and your experiences. Please let us know if there are additional topics important to you.
Fall 2023 topic list
- August
- UC IT Blog survey results – UC-wide feedback on UC IT news
- September
- National Hispanic American Heritage Month
- Filipino American History Month
- October
- EDUCAUSE – spreading the word about your presentation or the fact that you will be attending
- Cyber Security Awareness Month
- National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)
Sending your news and perspectives
Feel free to use this interview quetionnaire, or simply send the following to the UC IT blog news team and we can ensure others have the chance to learn more about you, your team, your work and your unique perspective on all of the above.
Quick snapshot
- Your current title/role, the name of your department and your UC location
- A photo of yourself – either casual or a formal headshot
Also, feel free to add a bit more about you
- A few words about what you find most meaningful about your work
- Background on you and your career. Why are topics important to you?
- Are there any UC events or news sources that you suggest we share with the UC IT community that relate to your identity and/or work topics of interest to you?
We would be happy to use the above to write about you for our blog, if you agree to that. As always, please provide any feedback/ideas you have for the UC IT blog.
Contact us at:
About the UC IT news blog
The University of California (UC) Information Technology (IT) blog informs and connects those working in the technology field at the university, along with those working closely with university technologies. It is created by the UC Tech community – with nearly 10,000 members across 22 UC locations. The Information Technology Services Department at the UC Office of the President publishes each weekly issue thanks to hundreds of contributors. As one of our readers commented recently, “It’s the only systematic way I can hear what’s going on across the UC in IT.”
About UC IT Blog readers
About 67% of blog audiences are in a technical role at the university. Similarly, 69% are highly experienced in their field, having worked in it for more than 10 years. About an equal portion of readers are new to the UC tech community vs long-term members of the university. About 40% of the UC IT Blog audience of 3K opens the newsletter each weekly issue, while most reporting reading it about one time per month.
Each month, since the UC IT news blog began in 2013, we celebrate readers and the growing list of influencers/contributors who send content, connect on our social channels, and/or provide feedback or insights. Check out our impact on our About Page, and send us your insights. We welcome all who care to join us in shaping the UC IT new blog in 2023 and beyond.
[Cover image caption/#altext: 3-month rolling calendar: Aug (UC IT Blog survey results), Sept (N’l Hispanic and Filipino Heritage months), Oct (EDUCAUSE, Cyber Security Awareness Month and NDEAM)]

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